tiramisu cheesecake recipe


Ingredients :

  • 500 gr mascarpone (1.1 pound)

  • 100 gr heavy cream ( 3.53 ounce )

  • 130 gr sugar ( 4.59 ounce )

  • 300 gr savoiardi (10.58 ounce )

  • 250 gr coffee (8.82 ounce )

  • unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 250 gr cream cheese (8.82 ounce )

  • 10 gr gelatin ( 0.35 ounce ) 1

  • 100 gr butter ( 3.53 ounce )

  • 6 EGGS

----------- How to make a Savoiardi Crust ------------------

  • Take 190 gr ( 6.7 ounce ) of savoiardi and put them in a plastic food bag and crush to crumbs using a rolling pin. transfer the crumbs to a bowl

  • take 100 gr (3.53 ounce) of butter, put it in a saucepan and melt it

  • once the butter is well melted put it in the savoiardi's crumbs, add 50 gr ( 1.76 ounce ) of coffee too and mix well

  • Press the mixture into the bottom of an 20 cm (8 inch) springform pan, you can put a cake collar in it now. Chill in fridge until firm, normally 40 minutes.

----------- How to Mascarpone Cream ---------------

  • separate the egg yolks from the egg whites

  • put the gelatin in abundant water for at least 10 minutes until is soft

  • in a mixing bowl put the yolk and begin to work it with an electric whisk if you are not sure of the freshness and quality of the eggs you can always pasteurize the eggs ( see*)

  • add 1/2 of sugar at the time and let the yolks absorb it

  • work the yolks until they change color

  • add the mascarpone a little at the time beating with an electric whisk until it becomes smooth.

  • Repeat the operation with the cream cheese

  • put the heavy cream in a saucepan, warm it on low heat and put the gelatin well drained from the water. Mix until the gelatin is well melted in the heavy cream

  • Add the heavy cream at the mixture a little at the time and continue to beat until the batter is creamy and smooth

------------ Assembly-------------------------

  • Cut the remaining savoiardi in half

  • take the springform pan from the fridge and pour half of the cream cheese mixture

  • Soak the savoiardi in the cold coffee for a few moments and distributed it on the cream pressing gently until you obtain a layer pour another quarter of the cream.

  • can happen that the savoiardi will rise a little, don't panic. Put the cake in the fridge for 20 minutes then press a little the savoiardi in the cream.

  • Finally cover with the remaining cream cheese mixture put the springform pan in fridge for at least 3 hour.

  • take off the cake collar and using a strainer dust the cheesecake with a dense layer of unsweetened cocoa powder.

That's all! if you have any question feel free to ask. See you next time, i think that will be a classic carbonara! In the meanwhile Buon Appetito!!!

*To pasteurize egg yolks. Whip them with 65 gr sugar while you prepare the syrup with another 65 gr sugar and 45 gr of water. Wait for the syrup to reach 120° C. ( 248°F), then pour it very slowly over the whipped yolks, mixing the syrup well with the yolks if you have a stand mixer and a food thermometer the operation it's pretty easy

credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/recipes/comments/kcfmbh/my_tiramisu_cheesecake_based_on_a_recipe_i_found/


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